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Simple classification of glass

Release time:2015-10-16 10:39:02

Glass simple classification can be divided into flat glass and special glass. Flat glass can be divided into three: the primer on the law plate glass (divided groove / slotless two kinds), Rafah flat plate glass and float glass. Since the float glass due to the uniform thickness, flat parallel upper and lower surfaces, plus factors affecting high labor productivity and help manage other aspects of the float glass is becoming a mainstream way of glassmaking. The special glass are many varieties, the following varieties by fitting them out in common:

  An ordinary flat glass.

  1, 3--4 cm glass, mm in the daily also called PCT. We are talking about 3% glass, it refers to the thickness of 3mm glass. This standard is mainly used for glass frame surface.

  2, 5--6 cm glass, primarily for exterior windows, doors and other small area of the translucent shape, etc.

  3, 7--9 cm glass, mainly used for indoor screens and other large area but there are among the framework for the protection of modeling.

  4, 9-10 PCT glass, can be used indoors large partitions, railings and other renovation projects.

  5, 11--12 cm glass, spring glass door and some of the activities that can be used to cut off the flow of people into the larger.

  6, 15 cm above the glass, the general market sell less, often need to order, mainly for large area glass door to spring facades glass block wall.

  Second, other glass

  Other Glass said, but the author in the classification with respect to the flat glass, the industry is not an official classification. There are: 

  1, tempered glass. It is ordinary plate glass after reprocessing made of prestressed glass. Compared to ordinary glass plate glass, it has two characteristics:

  1) the strength of the former is the latter several times, more than three times the tensile strength of the latter, the impact is more than five times the latter.

  2) glass is not easily broken, even if broken will in no acute form of particles fragmentation, greatly reduced impact on human health.

  2, frosted glass. It is also a common plate glass above and then scrub processing. General thickness more than 9 cm or less, with a thickness of more than 5,6 cm.

  3, sandblasted glass. Performance substantially similar to frosted glass, frosted change to a different sandblasting. Since both visually similar, many owners and even the decoration professionals regarded them confused.

  4, embossed glass. It is the use of a method of manufacturing flat glass calendering. Its biggest feature is the transparent opaque, multi-use in toilets and other decoration areas.

  5, wire glass. The method is the use of rolling the metal wire or metal mesh embedded in the glass plate made of a plate glass having impact, radial cracks are formed only by the impact they would not hurt falling. Therefore, use of high-rise buildings and shock and strong plant.

  6, hollow glass. Multi-use among the two pieces of glass glued law to maintain a certain interval, the interval is dry air, surrounding and then sealing material is mainly used for soundproofing required renovations.

  7, a laminated glass. Laminated glass generally consists of two pieces of ordinary plate glass (it can be tempered glass or other special glass) and an organic glue layer between the glass composition. When damaged, debris still adhered to the adhesive layer, to avoid flying debris on the human body injury. Safety requirements used for renovation projects.

  8, bulletproof glass. It is actually a laminated glass, but glass to use more high strength tempered glass, and the number of interlayer is also relatively high. Among other banks to use more or require very high security mansion renovations.

  9, bending glass. Flat glass is heated and softened by the molding in a mold, and then annealed made of curved glass. Frequency of occurrence in a number of increasingly senior decoration, need to book, not in stock.

  10, glass tiles. Production of glass bricks and flat glass as the basic difference is the molding method.

  Intermediate to dry air. Used for decorative items or have translucent insulation requirements among modeling.

  11, cellophane. Also known as the glass membrane, with a variety of colors and patterns. Depending on the paper film properties, they have different properties. The vast majority from the insulation, anti-infrared, UV, explosion and so on.